3 Shorts Make a Write

Something a little different this week...

3 Shorts Make a Write 

This week I have a slightly different format for you.

That said, don't stress - this is not the end of long-form.

I enjoy writing shorts.


They help me think things through. They encourage me to boil down thoughts, ideas or concepts into small and punchy, well, 'shorts'.

I hope you enjoy.

Before we get to the short, I want to introduce something else new - something that is here to stay. 

I've previously constructed and distributed newsletters, and have done versions of this.

Each week I'm going to share with you 3 things for you to take away with you - I call this area of the newsletter TLC:

  • Tune of the week - the song I've been looping this week. Each week I pick a song and loop it. I've been doing this for years - It becomes meditation, allows me to understand deeper and helps me slip into a 'flow' state. I also enjoy long runs looping the same song - Don't knock it before you try it.

  • Lesson of the week - a quote that taught me a lesson during the week.

  • Content of the week - be it an article, a lecture, a video or anything else. Something a little more in-depth that got something from during the week. 

So without further ado, this week TLC:



"The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation"

Henry David Thoreau

What's your version of 'quiet desperation'?


Any feedback from this week's TLC? - Hit me up on Twitter.

Now into the shorts...

Your joy is your responsibility 

In a world surrounded social connection, it is more common than not to compare yourself to others

We have the ability to compare ourselves to virtually anyone in the world 

This can be a motivating factor - for the right mindset 

However, it can also be detrimental to the wrong mindset

If you’re trying to better yourself, build a skill or achieve a goal, it is human nature to compare yourself to others

Often, this comparison leaves you disheartened and deflated 

As the saying goes - ‘comparison is the thief of joy’

Comparison - I believe - is only the thief of joy if it comes from an emotional place

Comparing yourself to others from an emotional POV will undoubtedly end in disappointment

You're comparing a snippet of their position directly to yours - with no context 

Instead, compare yourself to others objectively 

What if you considered your circumstances?

What if you compare your ‘why’ to theirs?

If you consider your circumstances to theirs and your ‘why’ to theirs - 99% of the time they will be vastly different

Your journey is wildly different to anyone else’s

Maybe you're comparing your fitness progress to that of an elite athletes

Do you have the same life circumstances as an elite athlete?

Do you have multiple hours per day to commit to training?

Do you have multiple hours per day to commit to recovery?

Do you have the funds to commit to an in-house chef and the worlds best coaches?

Is ‘why’ you started your fitness journey motivated by the same things?

Do you want to be on the world stage or do you just want to be better for yourself and your family?

When comparing to elites, step back from your emotions and consider objectivity 

Consider your circumstance, and consider and your ‘why’

This also remains true when comparing yourself to those around you

In this scenario - it is much easier to mine for accurate feedback 

Follow the same path as outlined above

It will shed objective light - be it positive or negative

If the light reveals negatives, this is still a positive 

The negatives of your comparison can be used as a road map for improvement 

Lean into these results

Change your actions (if they align with your ‘why’) - and learn 

Remember, still objective, not emotional 

Take ownership of your joy 

Comparison is NOT the thief of joy

Your perception of comparison is the thief of joy

Holidaying is Finite

Yet society will make you believe it is the end goal

Society wants you to believe you will be eternally happy with a cocktail on the beach 

Holidaying is sold as infinite 

We get sucked in and believe it should be 

Reality - it's not 

Humans need growth - or at the least opportunities for growth

Then, the goal should be to integrate 'holidays' into our daily lives

To create a life with calm, sunshine and creature comforts 

But also to create a life with challenges, adversity and growth 

To live a life with daily growth

To live life with daily holiday


Everyone is Guessing

Despite their projection of confidence

No one knows the outcome of their decisions

Confidence can be earned - life experience, previous decisions, observing others' decisions etc

You CAN build validity to your confidence 

The other secret to confidence - ignoring social profiles and the knowledge that everyone is guessing 

We are all special 

But we are all equal

The human experience is a lifetime of culminated guess' - chill the fuck out

For another week - Take care (but be risky) xoxo