3 Sure Fire Ways to Achieve Flow States

+ this weeks TLC

This week, well, this week is a goodie!

But first, as always:



Nas - 30. I'm on a Nas kick at the mo.


'You cannot do the next task to the best of your ability until you have completed the current task to the best of your ability'.



Nas - Illmatic (album). Told y'all I was on a Nas kick. I have been running to this album for the last fortnight. It's timeless.

Achieving Flow State

Maybe you're out for a run with your favourite playlist?

Or maybe you’re sitting down reading your favourite book?

Or maybe you're engrossed in a conversation so much that everything else around you melts away?

Have you ever had an experience come to an end only to look at the time and mutter “where did the time go?!”.

This phenomenon is referred to as a ‘Flow State’.

A flow state can be defined as; a state of consciousness in which we feel and perform our best.

This definition was established by psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, the grandfather of flow. Csíkszentmihályi has spearheaded and inspired vast scientific research into flow states.The majority of this research has been performed on, by or closely with extreme sports athletes, due to the risks associated and the mindset required in their endeavours. This research is slowly revealing how you can tap into this state of consciousness upon your beckoned call.

So why would you want to call upon the flow state?

The flow state is used by many people in ALL walks of life. It is employed by extreme sports athletes, athletes, business professionals, writers, actors, chess players, meditation masters, knitters - basically anyone who wants to perform at their best.

From a personal point of view, the flow state allows me to focus solely on the activity I am performing. It allows me to block out any distractions. It allows me to completely switch off to the construct of time (I refer to this as “switching in”). It allows me to perform at my peak, in my chosen endeavour.

This is all well and good, but what does the science say and how do I use it practically i.e., how do I harness the power of flow?

Below are Csíkszentmihályi’s and sciences top 3 behaviours to help you achieve a flow state:

1) Focus solely on what you’re doing and abolish distractions

In the 21st century, sole focus is difficult to master. Our ability as humans to mentally slide between tasks has become exponentially better in recent years however, we are losing the skill of focusing solely on one task.

To avoid distractions and procrastination - ensure these 3 behaviours are utilised:

  1. Put your phone elsewhere. No messages, no notifications, no social media. Just be with your task.

  2. Limit conversations to necessity. Ask yourself, is this conversation directly related to improving your performance? Music can help here.

  3. Be familiar with your surroundings. Arrive early, acclimatise, take in what your surroundings have to offer. Can't get there early? Visualise.

2) Define a goal for your activity

Before engaging in your task you need to have a clear goal defined. Having a clear purpose for your task will allow direction, focus and a defined finish point. *See my goal-setting newsletter for more on how to set unbreakable goals*

3) Love what you do

Being engrossed in something that you don’t care about is near impossible! Passion is a huge factor in being able to achieve a flow state. If you’re passionate about something, it is far easier for you to tune into it consciously and subconsciously. 

Bonus point; a ‘group flow state’ is defined as achieving flow state as a group or team. If you're involved in an activity you love with people you love, your chances of reaching flow are multiplied!

If you would like any more information on flow states, I recommend these 2 books:


Until next week, take but be risky y’all,

Coach Tom xoxo