FREE 8-Week Goal Setting Dashboard

How to set unbreakable goals

Welcome to 2023 y'all!



Dimension - Love To Me. I've been running hard to this one recently!


You don't NEED a new year to reset your goals and change direction.

However, if right now strikes you as the right time - lean in!


This week, I'm throwing some more of my own content at you.

A free download to help you set, hunt and kill goals.

Check it out here - 8-Week Goals Dashboard

Use this dashboard in conjunction with today's newsletter.

SMART Goal Setting

It's the perfect time of the year to talk about goals - let's dive in...

SMART is an acronym that is thrown around with goal setting all the time.

Have you actually stopped to think about why?

Has anyone explained to you how it will help your goal-setting process and adherence?

The SMART acronym is as follows:

  • Specific

  • Measurable

  • Achievable

  • Realistic

  • Timed

I'm going to break down the SMART process for you and explain exactly why you need to refer to this email as you set your goals within the 8-Week Goals Dashboard.

Goals are motivation, discipline and a roadmap all in one.

Here is my refined interpretation of the SMART goals protocol:


Use my ‘not what-who-what’ protocol.

  1. DO NOT define WHAT you want to achieve first

  2. First, define WHO you want to be

  3. Then, define WHAT behaviours/actions the 'WHO' from step 2 displays

The WHATs from step 3 (i.e. the behaviours and actions you identify) - base your goals around these.


Always ensure the measurable part is something YOU have control over.

Setting goals that someone/something else has control over is misguided.

For example:

Instead of - ‘I want to make this team’.

Use - ‘I want to be the person who is capable of making this team’.

This way, other people's bullshit (such as politics and favourites) can’t get in your way.

This one’s simple but important.

You have to know if you’ve achieved your goal - be specific.

If not, you may miss the chance to celebrate.

A little side-note on celebrating the achievement of goals:


1) you deserve it

2) it allows for reflection and perspective.

More often than not, people who go from 1 goal straight to the next - lack perspective.

In the achievement of goal 1, you change who you are.

Celebrating allows your self-consciousness to catch up - take time to reset.

If you rush to set another goal, the next goal is still based upon the wants and needs of who you used to be, not who you've become.

This results in a poorly set proceeding goal and ultimately, failure.

Celebrating is an integral part of the goal-setting process.

*end of side note*


If your goal is not achievable, that’s in fact, okay (for the time being).

Don’t discard it - break it down further.

‘Who’ do you have to become before becoming the ‘big who’?

No goal is too big - it just lacks breakdown.

Small goals = compounding gains = life-changing results.


Set your goal on the edge of reality.

Setting a goal too far from reality will crush you.

It will crush your confidence.

It will crush your spirit.

And ultimately, it will crush your goal.

Remember, you can always set another goal after this one is achieved.


Set a date and then add 5%.

Build in time for roadblocks from the get-go - smooth sailing is a myth.

If you achieve your goal early - great.


Use this email in conjunction with your new 8-Week Goals dashboard - If you haven't already, you can download it here.

Take care, but be risky!
